Jack Briant Reporter

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Passion and the Fury

God gave us the gift of emotion and although we display many of them   almost daily some are subtler and still more that are reserved for the peak sensations.  Most of us claim that we have passion for the work we do or a particular avocation or for that special someone in our lives.  Rarely however do we see and witness the emotion of fury, which has its own connotation of unrestrained anger that is out of control. What we might not suspect however is that underneath the emotion of fury lies passion.  

Passion can stand by itself but fury is a human disturbance that needs passion as its fuel.
Fury by Merriam definition is intense, disordered and often destructive rage. Rarely does fury get a positive spin and used in a sentence might read something like: The fury in her eyes turned to a physical rage that seemed to belie her gentle nature. A hurricane can have fury when it unleashes its potent power of water and wind but fury in the human form usually has people in their path running for cover. Fury cannot obtain the force it needs to exist unless passion is running concurrently in the background. When someone is passionate about someone or some thing the management of containment is not always in a person’s power or control. Fury is a deep-seated emotion and the gasoline is passion.  

A woman's fury is a force to be reckoned with.  

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