Jack Briant Reporter

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Castle Keep

A man’s home used to be called his castle.  I think this notion left our consciousness somewhere in the mid 20th century.  Oh how I long for it to make a comeback.  Not everyday mind you but it should be honored more than in just a distant memory hidden in the recesses of our male chivalry.  Yes it was chivalrous because back then we needed a refuge from the pressure we felt each day as the hunter in the form of silver certificates that fed, clothed and housed our family. 

That notion of bearing the burden has left only some of us as our distaffed counterparts have claimed their rightful bounty in terms of their equality.  However as I have said before somewhere equality does not have to mean that everything is 50/50.  Some women love that their men are the providers even in the 21st Century.  Yes there are still some women that long to be taken care of by their man and they in turn take care of their man in terms of his mental and physical well being like providing him sustenance and making sure he presents his best face to the world. I still need the emotional support that my mate instills in me that I am putting my best foot forward into the world each day.  I need to read her what I write each day and am guided by her timeless and spot on commentary of everyone I meet. 

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Steam Valve

I have found a new place for me to publish my own thoughts that won't bruise the egos of those that bedevil me.  Like my stepson and his unwillingness to get a job, any job.  He prefers to stay on unemployment and if he can't find employment off the books he will choose to stay in his boxers all day and do nothing.  There is no incentive because Uncle Sam is providing him the pocket change to do  just that. He will ride out the summer and then take his two-month vacation in the Far East only to come back near the end of the year no closer to being on his own than he is now.  

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Language of Love

Does not always speak in English.  Sometimes it takes on the eloquence of intuition but more likely love manifests itself in the solar plexus. Most might think it resides in the heart but the solar plexus gives me the most visceral of all feelings.  When you love someone it starts in the throat and radiates downward.  The heart is the mythical residence of love because it sells Valentine’s Day cards.

  We don’t always feel love for the one we love but that doesn’t mean that we don’t love them.  Once in awhile the feeling of love takes in hibernation as a retreat from itself because like a sharp knife it can cut and cut deep.  When love makes us bleed the only way the hemorrhage cauterizes the wound love sometimes leaves us with is hiding beneath the rock of temporary numbness. 

The language of Love is still spoken in English when we say I love you but we all know that even when it’s unspoken it’s still the most powerful force on earth. 

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Some of the blogs out there are like asteroids, a dead piece of planet, once full of life and good intention now doomed to drift in cyber space holding the address from whence they came.