Jack Briant Reporter

Saturday, April 26, 2014

True Blue Love

I used to confuse sentiment with love. We have all experienced fond and more than fond golden moments with people we have loved but that’s not necessarily true love. It can be part of love but when you have to harken back to the past as a source of love then maybe it’s not the same thing as being in love. 

Being in love means great pain. Because the object that person we are in love with is going to disappoint us or we them at some point. It’s inevitable and to think otherwise is just nonsense. How many of us have fair weather friends? People we get along with but at the first sign of a disagreement or not Seeing Eye to eye we excise them from our lives or they do the same to us. Love is no different. True love has to be unconditional for it to be everlasting. Till death do us part not if you do this or that it’s over? Arguments are healthy because it is through them we can establish boundaries and “map” our feelings clearly to our most significant other. (MSO) If we could read each other’s mind we might be able to avoid this painful experience but until then blissful love brings heartache too. I never get used to it but I am not going to give up this feeling no matter what the cost. 

I also think that if you are really meant to end up with someone the universe will accommodate you and the phrase: Whatever comes our way becomes a mantra instead of just a wish when we blow out candles. What is the blissful part of being together? Some say it’s great sex and that the flame never goes out with true love. What about when you’re apart? When we hear chimes from a text or an email and our heart skips a beat or our tear ducts start the waterworks are a sure sign you are in love and deep shit as well.  They say love is blind I say no it’s not it’s 20/20 vision because I don’t want to miss a minute of it.  

I don’t worry about being alone because I have been for the most part these past 2 and ½ years it’s just that I don’t want to end up alone. If it’s true love then I won’t be.  

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

My Inner Voice

As a youngster I would often hear about Women’s Intuition. I never gave it much credence until I started to experience it for myself. I then realized just how this ethereal concept had some substance.  Women have laid claim to this clairvoyance probably because their gender paid attention to their inner voice and men just dismissed it summarily as nothing more than a stray cognition. 

When I came to the realization that men and I in general had the same “talent” inborn I started to pay attention just like my female counterparts did. You know what I’m talking about. Invariably as I would experience an event my memory banks would recall that I had the thought prior to it actually happening. I would think ‘I knew it’ but I never realized that my intuition was at work. Now when someone or some thing starts its journey across the theater of my mind I stop and think is there anything I should do? As I let it remain in my conscious the information takes on a life of its own and I have the choice of acting or just to remain now aware instead of being taken by surprise.   It amazes me that we have this capability that is beyond a definable science like a sneeze or a cough and that that part of the unused 95% of our brain is exercising some of its untapped capability. 

My inner voice is now guiding me unconsciously as well and this I think it's  only the beginning of just how meaningful my intuition really is. There was a book I purchased many years ago but I never got past a few pages. It was entitled Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain.  I just found it in my archives and have picked this book up again and I am excited about developing this talent further. Now when there’s something I must do I just do but when there is a choice behavior like going to the gym for instance I listen to my ‘inner voice’ because it seems to be very in touch with my body. Then there are the forces of nature that intervene as well and I pay attention too. 

My inner voice is part of my personality and I am getting to know just a bit better. 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Sentient Man

I seem to think I may have touched on this subject some years ago but since it just popped in my head let me see where it takes me. 21st Century man has abandoned his “hunter” role and exchanged it for equality with the distaffed members of his world. Women can do just about anything men can and in certain cases just plain better if we are to believe all of America’s pundits. Be that as it may practical adjustments not only needed to be made but in certain instances men were forced to make wholesale changes. 

If we leave off controversy and accept the new society it doesn’t mean we men give up our masculinity it just means we have to use more guile instead of brute force. As the sentient man I love that. Obtaining anything by sheer force will usually leave the hunted with resentment and at the first sign of trouble they look to escape rather than remain in our company. I have found that the more freedom the female feels they have they’re lest apt to get lost in the rain. . Let the horses run free and with no corral you just might find they roam even less and become galvanized in heart mind and body.  If you truly love someone as the old cliché goes you will let them go. This attitude is not one of indifference quite the contrary it is the more loving way. Anything else is egocentric, selfish and a graphic lack of confidence. Let women continue to feel the need to be possessive we as sentient men can drop that from our repertoire. God does that work well.  

 I have found that women love their men to be confident and be able to make “command decisions” when a softer approach just won’t cut it. Women like to have it both ways these days they still want us to continue to open doors, show gentlemanly deference whenever they present us with their demure side but hell hath no fury if you tell a woman she can’t do something. Instead of folding our tents this is our opportunity to “man up” and retake our masculine role. They might object but some if not most will love you all the more for it. No matter how high a woman may rise in the corporate world they still want their men to be chairman in and out of the boudoir.  It may be a different world out there but our gender is in no danger of becoming extinct. 

The sentient man fits rather nicely into the world of equality because we as civilized men don’t have to roar as so many women are claiming the need to. Who wants to roar when quieter tones can garner a deeper love and a more powerful allegiance in the most unexpected ways? 

Speak softly and you will find that you don’t even have to carry a stick.