Wouldn’t it be nice to have time stand still? Especially when we are enjoying the moment of serenity or that pink cloud that seems to fly past in the blink of an eye. I watched such a clock this week and found it fascinating allegory to witness time passing and yet standing still. The second hand swept in its usual arc around the dial while the minute hand stood stock still freezing the time that read 2:30. A great time too 2:30 it always gives you time to finish what’s needed to be done before the bewitching 5 o’clock chime brings a halt to the business day in most circles.
If time could stand still what would we do in the 25th hour? Would we scurry about finishing errands that we have put off? Would we sleep an extra hour or just luxuriate in bed with our loved one? Would we take that time to visit the gym we have been promising ourselves since time immemorial? How about reading, writing or maybe meditating? I would like to think that I would try listening to my heart and explaining the translation to my brain the words and emotions that I have conveniently held in abeyance for some moment in time that never seems to queue itself. So often my grey cells get the better of good judgment and keep me asleep to a quickening pulse that is alerting me to the tasks at hand.
What would we really do if time stood still? Would we let the tasks that normally transpire in the 24 allotted to just take more time to do and use up the hour as if it became part of the landscape and missed the opportunities it would present us with? We can ponder this fantasy ad infinitum because of course it will never be but it might give us pause for thought of compressing some of our other blank spaces into times filled with experiences that bring us to our knees and give thanks for the other 23.
Stuck on 2:30. A great time for reflection about a time well spent.