Who is this man the man I call the King of Hearts? He came out of the blue. I knew of him but I never expected to befriend the brother of someone that I love and respect professionally so much. I need to digress a moment before I continue and talk about this “gentle” man. His sister, Kristen James and I are not “buddies” but we do have a mutual regard for each other. We travel in different circles but we both have a passion for exercise and fitness even though her diet of salmon and three bowls of steam is hardly my cup of tea. Kidding aside she has inspired and continues to inspire me every day in my writings no matter what my topic is. You might be surprised that her Zen like philosophy has driven my afflatus in my favorite blog: My Life After AA. I will never forget that day she said “yes” when I asked if I could blog about her just about 4 years ago. It has been a fun journey writing nearly 800 entries about her and her very talented staff. I hope she knows how thankful I am to have had the opportunity to grow what comes natural to me.
And now to the man I write about tonight his name Cameron Bean. When I took my first class with Kristen Finello another one of KJ’s protégés I knew before that first class was over that she was a special talent and I have waxed on about her in several issues of KSC and since I always nickname those I love and care about I have dubbed her K2, which seems apropos on many levels. When I found out that her beau was Cameron Bean I thought how wonderful that the Evil Woman could play cupid as well. She must have been omniscient because this young couple seems perfectly suited in a yin yang sort of way. The love between them leaps at you. You see it in her brilliant smile and in his soft features when he looks at her. The fact that they chose to bring me in as their friend surprised me. What interest would two young people have in someone old enough to be their father? At first I thought it was just in some avuncular capacity but the fact that we communicate almost daily makes me feel apart of these two vibrantly beautiful people.
Meeting Cameron was how can I say it? Easy! He instantly makes you feel comfortable in his presence. He is a hulk of a man who is soft-spoken and not very loquacious but when he does speak you know he means what he says. There’s no throw away dialogue with Cameron and it almost seems anachronistic that a man of his size can be as sensitive as he genuinely is. He is probably one of the kindest men I have ever met. It’s not easy for 21st Century man to man up and also be the King of Hearts.
Cameron recently negotiated rather remarkably a procedure that might have had many men sidelined for quite a spell but his miraculous recovery was truly remarkable. I think he has an indomitable spirit and Cameron makes me wish I knew his Dad who must be beaming over his son from heaven. And now maybe he’s found true happiness in the arms of a beautiful lithesome blonde with a sparkling smile.
I feel lucky to be their friend and look forward to every time I am in their presence.