Jack Briant Reporter

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Jenny Little


I thought I might title this entry: Attack of the 50 Foot Woman but thought better of it so as not to scare anyone away. That title was actually a sci-fi  movie of the same name dated 1958 with probably the worst special effects captured on celluloid film. The heroine grown to mythic proportions is transparent throughout because CGI hadn’t been invented just yet.

Jenny on the other hand has quite genuine “special effects” resplendent with the talent of some of the best spin instructors I’ve experienced at my former home at Equinox in New York. Ms. Little displays the science of Dana Mancini who was remarkable for making class an “inside job” and the athleticism of Rocky who took my physiology “once step beyond” what I thought I was capable of and of course the Queen of spin Kristen James whose charm and charisma sparked my “afflatus” in many of my writings here on the net.

Jenny today this Sunday reignited my blue flame which I have to say I thought had just run out of propane. Five and a half years of spinning yarns literally about spin class had me thinking that this series was just done. What else could I say? Well maybe a new chapter new geography a new face might just put a new spin on my flywheel. I could complain that the Spinner bikes at 24 Hour Fitness are a bit long in the tooth with no onboard computer or creature comforts I had grown accustomed to back in Woodbury but Jenny Little made me forget that at rides end my butt hurt like the Dickens as her repertoire was positively ingenious for its complexity but simplicity in her delivery. Tempo, a driving rhythm, short breaks and a discogrpahy that was silky. Off the bike and on the bike Jenny moves with a fluidity of a Gene Kelly and the strength of a decathalete she is.


I will be back Jenny and thanks for bringing me back to something I really love.