Well it’s my birthday too! The outpouring of love and true affection showed me on Thursday exceeded my wildest expectations. And let me tell you I love Face book. Love it. The geniuses that invented that cyber tool probably made a killing and as well they should. It’s like a Hallmark card with wings. If you use it properly and don’t get too carried away with personal stuff, (my opinion) FB can open up a world gone by again in a blink. I am getting away from my topic because what started my day with incredulity was seeing Lori Spiegel in street clothes (wonderful ensemble) sitting outside the gates of EQ apparently awaiting the arrival of yours truly. As our eyes met and I advanced toward the door this paragon of a human being rose armed with two Happy Birthday cupcakes enclosed in a plastic container. I was thunderstruck but what amazed me was how nonchalant Lori was about the whole thing. I can only guess how happy her life partner is along with her offspring because this woman is thoughtful with all get out.
Another sidebar if you will indulge me and I have to apologize to my readers and myself because I just thought all of you were smiling acquaintances in my life. Wrong! I can actually call many of you my friends. And maybe some of you take that for granted but let me tell you I could only count active friends on one hand maybe like two fingers. Now I am basking in serious platonic love the likes of which I have never seen heretofore. And it’s so cool. Do I start to enumerate them? Or maybe I shouldn’t lest I forget someone.
No have to and in no particular order (well maybe that’s prevaricating) Here is my roll call: Debbie Jensen this is a Prom Queen inside and out and read about her in a story I am cooking up called: The Golden Girl. Then there’s my favorite spin instructors Kristen and Tripp and I need not wax poetic about them you can read the 500 some odd stories about them in words I’ve laid down over the last two years. All of my front row riders in KSC like David, Stacy, and the hula hoop Queen of Long Island: Cindy of Spoiled Rotten. Shall I go on? The twins Marjorie and Rose, Janene (statuesque beauty blessed with grace and charm) Mary McCann who may be canonized if our Papal push is acknowledged. Then there’s the tag team of Cheryl and one of my new favorites Heatherr Featherr (sometimes spelled with 3 r’s) of Optical Image. Do you go to their store? Duh they are great. Dana and Keith, Mo Russo, Peter Charles and the list goes on and on.
I am blessed and in a time in my life where I am yet again in transition personally I have all of you making my existence with all it’s ups and downs and twists and turns sithroughable even when there seems to be a pincushion under my butt. I had to hold back the tears on several occasions. Did I mention my surprise party? Sigh I thank you all from the bottom the top and middle of my full heart.