Jack Briant Reporter

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012 What's New? Not Much

Now that the “silly season” is behind us (thank God) I am ready to take on 2012 even if the world does end this year.  Christmas used to be a time that I loved now it is just a nuisance and not having to take down a tree or turn lights on and off each night suits me just fine.  
And like I have alluded earlier Christmas music is for the birds in a cage.  Silver Bells isn’t that the worst song ever written? No matter who sings it it still sux. 

What about 2012 though? It’s an election year and that should be fun-NOT. I can do without the endless tax preparation commercials as that’s like sitting on a pincushion each time I plop my ass in the chair. I was in a Publix on December 26th   and Valentine’s Day cards were on display already. It seems that Madison Avenue just won’t give our pocketbooks a break every time you turn around there is another festive occasion we are compelled to participate in. Valentines Day is another sham. Ceremony over substance never makes sense to me and just because it’s February 14th I can do without having to buy jewelry from Jared or plunk down 6.99 for a card (I can write better than any Hallmark) or 19.99 for roses that will wilt February 15th. We are like sheep because the ad men and women keep rolling out the same crap year after year and we keep marching to their off key notes.    

Easter? I will get to that once we pass old man winter. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my God what a cynic. Enjoy everyday. None of us know what tomorrow may bring. You rather keep your cask in your pocket so be it. I would give my "last nickel" to a friend, that is my joy. $$$ signs mean nothing, people do.
    Write a poem for your loved ones if you truly believe you are better than Hallmark. I have a few poems my dear father wrote to my mother, the love of his life, when he was in the service(WWII). I will cherish them for ever.
