Jack Briant Reporter

Friday, September 6, 2013

Mr. Cooper

 On Tuesday after a long hiatus I took David Cooper’s class. The last time I thought would be the only time but since I don’t hold resentments I saddled up for another session. David afforded me the one chance to write like a reporter rather than a press agent. I scribed about the plusses and what I didn’t like as much. Normally if I don’t have something pleasant to say I say nothing. 

David I can report possesses all the necessary skills to instruct but it feels more like a military drill than what I’m accustomed to. One of our members called spin class “entertrainment” when it’s with the likes of Kristen and Dana.  But if you come to David’s class it’s a workout plain and simple. There are no frills like shout outs and his charisma is muted even though he is a highly intelligent man. The jokes are almost an aside and not worth mentioning here. He will develop I am sure and he has his aficionados. I am happy to report he is a kinder gentler David.  

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