As to the how and why’s I wound up taking my EQ fit test at 530 pm on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving I will not share with you. However suffice it to say that this little experience told me what I already knew but have chosen to completely ignore. I suffer from pretending ignorance that just because I spin like a madman 6 days a week I am exempt from good nutrition. Wrong!
A young woman with chutzpah approached me about 10 days before and asked me to write about her and in return she would give me a complimentary EQ fit test. At first I was reluctant to say yes for a number of reasons. One was I thought I am above such nonsense, two I like to write as a friend has suggested “organically” as opposed to being asked but somehow an inner voice said: Do it! And truth be told I have been asked to write so that last reason was hardly one I could cling to. And 3rd I was worried suppose I was unimpressed and had to manufacture a story? Fortunately none of my reasons held water because Charlotte Ricci is an intelligent, passion driven professional eager to make her mark in Woodbury and it was I who benefited most from our “barter” arrangement.
The young Ms. Ricci I thought was way too inexperienced for this kind of work but her psychology undergrad degree told me otherwise. Her questions were probing but not too personal. I liked that and as a matter of fact her charisma made the queries seem natural. I have always been able to spot a “scripted” pitch whenever I was being sold something but this diminutive dynamo had a silky smooth timber and I dutifully blurted out my obscene dietary regimen. Once I spoke it the gravity hit me like a hammer to the head. I haven’t been to confession in quite a long time but Charlotte listened intently as I recited my venial and mortal sins one by one. When anyone can get me to open up like that I know their talent is innate. So here’s what transpired.
I don’t drink enough water despite my best intention. I eat way too many sweets, carbohydrates and late night snacks. The one thing in the last 6 months that has changed is that my lunch over at Fairway has me ingesting fairly healthy portions of vegetables and fruits at least 4 times a week. But this is just not enough and as Charlotte took out her calipers and started pinching at critical spots on my anatomy I realized that I have a long way to go in reducing my body fat and increasing my upper body muscle tone.
As we proceeded upstairs Charlotte using her various tools was able to determine just how inflexible I was and spotted just from my gait how tight my hips were. She gave me some great stretch techniques and urged me to continue with my dating of the Styrofoam roller and make it part of my everyday routine. I tried it the next day and my aching knee pain after spin did not appear. Charlotte had me thinking about making subtle changes in my diet and little by slowly the results would follow. Leaving something on my plate was the first step and passing by the Cadbury rack was the second. Drinking more water will be daunting for me because I haven’t been able to stick to the idea that I needed a half-gallon of water everyday but maybe if I did there’d hardly be room for a sleeve of chocolate wafer cookies or two Klondike ice cream sandwiches.
Have any of you taken this test? It doesn’t cost anything above our membership dues and there’s no pressure to continue with a pack of training sessions. The time alone I promise you will have you making a paradigm shift in how you take care of your body. I know it did for me. You can rely on your own motivation as to whether or not you hire a trainer. God knows we have employed someone to do most of the chores in our lives why not one to manage our physiology. I’ve gone this far in my quest to attain fitness and Charlotte Ricci has motivated this sexagenarian. Seek her out you can’t miss her and don’t let her age fool you. She’s yet another star in the Equinox Constellation.
Mike Ryan is in her corner you can’t ask for a better endorsement.