Jack Briant Reporter

Sunday, November 6, 2016

MSM The Mainstream Media

Out riding today I was hit by a metaphorical bolt of lightning. It occurred to me that the much-maligned Mainstream Media at least from the Republican point of view in its relentless attacks some of them warranted on Donald Trump have in effect taken a toll on their own balance sheet.  Let me back up by stating that I consider myself socially liberal and politically reasonable. I read and watch from both sides of the aisle and as objective as I can be there is not much doubt the MSM is quite determined that the Donald not occupy the Oval. But here is what is missing. As the media continues to use Trump relentlessly as a   “dart board” for their attacks they are forgetting that it is really his 45 million or thereabouts constituency that they are really taking shots at. Trump didn’t just appear out of nowhere. He was birthed by the disenfranchised of America. And win or lose the MSM and Washington will have to deal with quite a mess once this debacle is done on November 8th. The election may be decided on Tuesday but the political and more importantly human fallout Donald Trump has brought to light is not going to simply disappear if Mrs. Clinton wins.  

So for my friends on the left I suggest you temper your celebrations should your candidate win because Mrs. Clinton will find it very difficult to govern with all the controversies surrounding her, and her Clinton Foundation.  And for the enthusiastic Trump Train voters if this Ronald Reagan like landslide should take place it’s not going to be smooth sailing either because the other half will be filled with the same vitriol they have right now. 

As I alluded to earlier the MSM has taken a “hit” maybe a critical one as the opinion polls that they hold so dear have seen their own favorability ratings dive to historical lows and even bastions like the New York Times saw their profit margins plummet by as much as 95%. This is an ignorance of fair play. Even umpires have a preference but they for the most part are impartial. That has been lost by the MSM and they may never recover in the eyes of those voters that no longer trust them to be fair and balanced. I do know this Walter Cronkite is turning over in his grave.   

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