Jack Briant Reporter

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Golden Girl

My last best platonic woman friend was my sister Carol but at that time she was just 16. After her passing I never had a female confidant that I could call my own.  Well I had to wait 40 odd years later and at long last I found one. Her name is DJ and as I will not risk her anonymity by mentioning her full name I know in my heart that I have found at least for me a kindred spirit that has no agenda except for my well being and I for hers. 

She might have golden hair and a trademark-descending tendril in spin class that mark her appearance but that is not why I call her The Golden Girl. Neither is the fact that she is a stunning beauty or was a former Prom Queen.   In DJ I have found an open and honest woman with a singular personality that is so authentic she is beyond reproach. But that still doesn’t factor in to why she is The Golden Girl in my eyes. 

DJ is a selfless woman and I can tell that just by the way she talks about her beloved family to which she is extremely devoted. DJ is constantly in motion in their care and if the All American family still exists DJ is the matriarch and cover girl.  Admiration is just one factor I have for her because she exhibits a kind heart that beats openly even for strangers. Never turning away from anyone in a dismissive fashion she always makes time for everyone in propinquity.  

In some ways we think alike. In the way of exercise I think I have met my match. She is well schooled in yoga and trains indefatigably with strength work and fortunately for me spin class.  I met her just about two years ago and I am sure she thought me  a most quirky man as I am even an enigma to myself but little by slowly as we started to communicate non-verbally the basis of friendship began.  She is comfortable in my presence and I in hers trusting that we respect each other’s privacy even though I am making public this small offering.  

I think what makes DJ The Golden Girl is her humility.  Humility is a trait that I have always admired because it says to the world in her case just how comfortable she is in her own skin.  The Golden Girl is beautiful yes but for me she is precious because her friendship is priceless.  

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