Jack Briant Reporter

Sunday, September 23, 2012


The New Miracle Drug?

In my investigation for a drug to learn about I chose Ibogaine. According to a google search the website Maps.org reveals that ibogaine is a psychoactive substance occurring naturally in a plant in West Africa called iboga.  According to MAPS, iboga is a mild stimulant in small doses but in larger quantities is a strong psychedelic. The alkaloid in this shrub was used in ceremonies in the Bwiti religion in healing ceremonies. However some people with opiate addictions have found that it can markedly reduce the withdrawal and temporarily remove cravings for opiates. 

Ibogaine is classified as a Schedule I drug in the United States and also is illegal in some European countries even though currently it is not thought that it will gain prominence as a recreational drug. To make matters a little suspect in my opinion there is no known medical use for the substance but that does not keep people from seeking out underground suppliers and international clinics that provide it.  

The preliminary risks are that ibogaine causes death in 1/300 but these fatalities are in combination with other medical conditions like slowing of the heart and liver problems.  The source also warns patients seeking its use should weigh the health risks and have a medical professional nearby when taking it.  

Ibogaine is taken three different ways:

 1. Orally via a capsule.

 2. Orally as a powder.

 3. Anally. 

 When its taken in capsule it is accompanied by a small amount of water to minimize the urge to use the toilet and the capsule eliminates the horrible taste of the substance.  The patient will also feel compelled to throw up as it lumps in the stomach when it dissolves. Anti-nausea medicines are advised before ingestion.  

Somewhat counter intuitively a better way is to take the drug is as a powder. Even though some claim it tastes like battery acid. This method allows the stomach to be lined with an increased amount of water thereby reducing the urge for reverse peristalsis.  Anti-nausea meds are also suggested.  It can also be mixed with honey, or sweetened water. 

The third administering of the drug anally prevents throwing up and dispenses with the disgusting taste.  Beside the embarrassment and discomfort this method has no comparison to it be taken orally.  An enema is taken first and after a waiting period using a syringe the ibogaine is injected.  

This month Dr. T.K. Brown in a clinic in Mexico is completing his observation of the long-term effects of Ibogaine. Dr. Brown hopes that his study will help evaluate the efficacy of ibogaine-assisted therapy.  The twelve-month follow up will examine if the quality of life for ibogaine patients is significantly improved.   This report will be compared concurrently the MAPS study in New Zealand.  The New Zealand study is examining the safety of the drug and also its long-term effectiveness using a small sample of 20-30 participants.  

Other players in the world using Ibogaine as a treatment claim that it cures heroin and cocaine addiction in as little as 48 hours without withdrawal symptoms.  All of the treatments are done outside of the United States and the cost varies from as low as 2, 200 to 20,000. One caveat that seems to have been raised is that the use of ibogaine does not have a plan that is systematic before and after its use. It could be that ibogaine as some have suggested will only buy those patients a window of time.  

It would seem that the study of Ibogaine is still in its infancy and there will be considerable resistance if its use becomes more widespread to those that produce the drug methadone as it might hurt their sales.  

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