Jack Briant Reporter

Sunday, April 7, 2013

When Loves Takes Over

You may be in your right mind but then again you might not. Giving up the wheel when you’re used to doing the driving is not an easy thing. Having to trust province to guide you from making illegal turns and navigating instincts in collision is not for the faint of heart.  

How do you know you’re in love though? Is it physical, emotional, spiritual or historical? My guess is that it’s a combination of all four but which one do we trust the most and which one the least?  Usually we lead with the law of attraction first because without the physical connection affairs of the heart simply don’t get off the ground. Not at first anyway. My thoughts are that the chemistry factor of love is just about the most unreliable.  Don’t get me wrong everyone needs the human touch that excites our nerve endings but the truth of the matter is that we can be attracted to so many people but that doesn’t mean a relationship is possible or even desirable. And I am sure there are many stories in the naked city that didn’t start off physical and ended up smoking hot later on down the line.  

Friends first is probably the safest route to a lasting love but when a man hears a woman wants friendship it usually means in his mind that he is the designated utility outfielder unlikely to see much action. I think though that’s where most men go wrong and if they could just be persistent and consistent the more likely that strategy will pay off if he is truly not just out to bed her.  For the woman wants passion but if a man leads with understanding and avoids trying to fix things and just listens four times more than he speaks he’s more likely to build a foundation that won’t topple once the rains come.  

More on this subject soon as the spirit moves me.  When loves takes over.  

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