I for one am grateful that TBC was formed by the HBIC, Nancy Kaplan. For the most part our acquaintance/friendships were relegated to banter before and after class but now we have a genuine forum where we can discuss (in an elegant way of course) any number of topics from the class itself, the latest hot topic (not gossip) as well the meal du jour. Some members of our semi-exclusive club bring their own healthy additives to enhance just about any concoction those delightful people at the Health Bar build for us. Lisa for instance has a powdered peanut butter, which she adds to her liquid nutriceutical, and my guess is that it is stripped of the fattening oils. I hope for Lisa’s sake that it has some taste unlike most of the low-fat and gluten free offerings of today that are long on missing ingredients and short on taste. Which brings to mind what Kristen has always said that nutrition is King and exercise is Queen. Her words ring in my shell like ear: “You can’t work off a bad diet”.
As self-appointed recording secretary I want to say that if TBC is to endure I will need some running commentary from you lest it seem like a personal diatribe, which I want to avoid. So please make your voice heard. If you want to remain anonymous I will certainly respect your wishes but let’s hear from you especially if you’re reading this. I expect to hear from Nancy, Cindy and David don’t tell me you’re shy I need to hear from you as well. I am sure we can count on Dana and if we coax the Queen maybe she will honor us with a royal visit one day. That might be difficult with her life schematic.
June and summer are fast approaching with that the new group exercise schedule is out and the scuttlebutt is from Mount Olympus that all spin classes will be trimmed to 45 minutes. What do you think about that? I like it because if you can wrap your brain around the idea that we only have 45 minutes I contend that you will actually work harder and correct me if I’m wrong KJ or Dana (if you’re listening) we may burn just as many calories as the traditional length classes we became so accustomed to. And by all means mix it up a bit add some upper body strength workouts to round out our regimens thereby avoiding overuse injury and ennui. Look who’s talking?
Has anyone had the notion that our sessions have gotten even more intense? Is it just my imagination? What say you? I am hoping we can entice Dana to weigh in on how well we are doing and maybe a hint or two on how to make each session even more efficient. The best one I have heard of late was from KJ when she told us to sit on our pelvic bone rather than our pubic bone. It eliminates that numbness in the groin some of us men suffer.
See you soon at The Breakfast Club. Charter memberships are being offered for an extended period of time. Please see the HBIC. (Head Bitch in Charge)
If you have any difficulty posting a comment send them along to me at Jackbriant@mac.com
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