Jack Briant Reporter

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Breakfast Club

It’s not 1985 but the present day and The Breakfast Club meets on Saturday after spin at the Health Bar at our EQ. I met with the 3 charter members yesterday: David, Cindy and the HBIC, Nancy.  Of course the fare is haute cuisine from our friends behind the counter  but it’s all about the conversation, which was spirited. These three hold court as other members and even instructors and their spouses like Dana and Chad happen by for a chat about the class and the world news within the confines of our beloved gym.  

 David, Cindy and Nancy. They are warm, friendly, don’t take themselves too seriously but are serious about fitness and what they take in their bodies. Healthier lifestyles are their foundation. So very 21st Century. Nancy and Cindy I know pretty well for the last 3+ years we’ve always had playful banter and you can tell its more than just jocular as both women show me genuine concern and I value their counsel very much. 

 David I thought was enigmatic when I first met him in spin. He seemed aloof almost but that was pure imagination on my part as David is a well-loved member and never has anything but positive thoughts and words for everyone who knows him at EQ. 

Without spin there might not be a Breakfast Club because there’s where the seeds of friendship were sown. When you band people together united toward one goal they are drawn to each other and their true personalities are open and on display. Because we love our spin classes with the likes of Kristen and Dana it’s natural that when we sit together and break bread (gluten free of course) inhibitions are left behind.  We feel more vulnerable but safe as well.  

Part II Tomorrow. 

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